Thursday, July 27, 2017

Pregnancy after a Loss

        Pregnancy after a loss is something I have avoided talking about publicly till now.
Anxiety, the constant feeling that my worst nightmare ( a third miscarriage in a row) could just be moments away. Google has become my best friend and my worst enemy all at the same time. Everyone knows that you are not supposed to "google" every bad thought you have in search for answers, but the desire to read statistics out weighed any will power I have  left. I never did like reading statistics until I had a miscarriage. Now I read statistics as if they some divine intervention that actually could change my future.

   Some statistic I had once read stated that only two  percent of people miscarry twice in a row. I prayed, lets be serious I begged God, to not let my family become part of that two percent. But no statistic could save me from the loss we were going to endure. With my current pregnancy, yes I am currently pregnant, I pray and beg God that we will not be part of the one percent that miscarries three times in a row.

   Announcing I am pregnant, on this blog feels very strange. I am currently 24 weeks, but everyday feels like a miracle and a gift that I have had the opportunity to share in the life of another child. I have cautiously skipped around the topic of my pregnancy for fear of losing this little angel. A large part of me wishes I was braver, like the moms who are able to announce their pregnancy the moment they find out, yet another part of me, a much deeper part of me, has only been able to subtly mention to family and close friends our joy with a cautious tone. I have days where I fear if I don't make a more formal announcement it comes off that my joy of this new life is stunted, but I have other days where even verbally saying I am pregnant brings an undesirable fear that if I say it out loud it could harm this sweet baby.

  But I am 24 weeks and my joy is over flowing. I want to scream on the top of a mountain and announce my joy the way I had wanted to with all my pregnancies, but this time I am fearful of the mountain itself. I am sacred to work out to much, and at the same time I am sacred to not work out enough. I am even fearful of lifting my own son, who is four now, for fear that his little thirty pound body could possibly hurt the life of his future sibling.

  My joy and fear are so very real. Everything happened very quickly in the terms of getting pregnant. I had an emergency D & E in January after our loss in November and a large part of me was scared then to get pregnant again but a larger part of me just wanted more than anything to be open to God's will for more life in our family.  Well go figure, by February, I had a positive pregnancy test.  To say joy and fear are somehow able to become one sounds absurd, but the marriage of those two feelings is and was very real.

 I went from being mentally numb to being borderline in denial of reality. Life doesn't stop because your are mourning, and at time it feels like it can move so slowly and then before I knew it I am looking back and wondering where did 24 weeks go. I am ever thankful for these 24 weeks but I cannot deny the cross of anxiety I bear daily.

   Praying, I will be praying for all the mamas of the world and their families as they experience the joys and heart aches of life. All life is so special no matter how short that life is. Please keep my family in your prayers.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Life after the pain of loss

    Days, weeks, and even months have gone by since our latest miscarriage.
The days seemed long but the months became shorter and shorter. Finding a new normal is a world of challenge, but with the grace of God I think I may be getting somewhere closer.

   My new normal is a still just as beautiful as my yesterdays ( the days before I had ever had a miscarriage) I just find the beauty to be different. My new beauty is not watching my son share in the joy of having a sibling here to play with  in this exact moment but he has siblings in Heaven praying for him. I am still pray for the beautiful life of multiple children, yet trying to accept the path God has presented my family with.

   My new normal is having little souls watching over our family from Heaven.
I pray that some day, if I make it heaven, that my normal will be watching all my children play together. I pray that I will always have the strength for my "normal" to always just be praying with and for all my children no matter what.



Glorious Mysteries

Join me, Christine, in saying the Glorious Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary for viewer intentions! Feel free to add prayer requests in the comments and to SHARE this video so we can reach more people.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Post-Partum Depression after my Miscarriages

  I don't think I could ever find the right place to start writing about the depths of despair I had felt after my miscarriages this last year. I knew that getting pregnant and being a Catholic mom open to life came with the heavy cross that I could lose my pregnancy or my life, but I never actually thought it would happen to me.

    Looking back now, it is almost strange that the first time I ever got pregnant that I lived in a joyful bliss. I wouldn't take back a moment of that bliss and I miss the ignorant way of life I lived in my first pregnancy. I hiked, milked cows, worked with horses, and it barely crossed my mind that I could lose the most valuable gift in my life, my son. I was proud to have stayed active throughout my pregnancy and I worked hard to keep toned. I recall telling close family members almost immediately about our pregnancy and I wanted to scream on the top of a mountain.  I was so beyond excited that I never knew or thought that the sight of me, a pregnant mother, could possibly be a the hardest thing for someone dealing with infertility and loss.

    I didn't know the term secondary infertility, but I felt the effects of it every month after I had my son. I was so excited to grow our family the moment I had my son I just knew I wanted to have another child as quickly as possible. There is nothing in life that I have found comparable to the euphoric feeling of having my first son. It was so  magically miraculous. I found that any doubt I had in miracles was replaced with an endless fountain of faith after I experienced becoming a mother.

     It was not until my son was getting closer to his third birthday that I really started to worry about my fertility. It had even crossed my mind that my body could possibly be miscarrying before I was getting a positive pregnancy test, but I would try and brush that sad thought aside. Last year, February 2016, I finally was able to get pregnant, my son was turning three in June. Everything was going fairly normal, but my morning sickness was not as intense as it was with my son and I would worriedly call my doctor who would reassure me every pregnancy was different.  We were so beyond excited and planned on telling our families with Easter pictures.

    The weekend after Easter, I was supposed to be 10 weeks along, but something wasn't right. I felt a few cramps, but again I was reminded by everyone that every pregnancy is different.  Then came my worst nightmare, blood. I felt my heart sink to a new low. I just knew in my heart that things were not right.

    At the time, I was out of town visiting family and was unable to see my personal doctor, so I went to the hospital to see what was going on. I was told the most devasting news I had ever received, that my baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks gestation and they had termed it a blighted ovum. My heart felt so utterly crushed.  I felt guilt wash over me, regardless of the fact that I did not purposely try to hurt my baby my soul felt a bone crushing guilt of letting down my sweet baby.

   After I finally got home: post-partum depression, is the only way I feel that I can describe the feeling of utter despair. I could not leave the house with out breaking down sobbing for what felt like eternity.  I could barely look at my son, suddenly his sweet face that had brought me such joy became a reminder of what I had lost. I felt awful for feeling this way towards my son, but his sweet little voice and his own broken heart ( he would constantly cry about the loss of our baby too)  tore me up. I had such a hard time playing with him, something that always brought me such great joy, became a cross. Just watching him play alone brought such sadness to my already despairing heart.

  I have been told that post-partum depression is very hard for mothers after having a baby, but I never heard anything about mothers who had lost a baby experiencing it.  I had been very nervous after having my first son and I would check on him constantly. I recall feeling so happy that I was worried something wrong would happen just because I felt that feeling of such great joy could not last long. But, I never recall feeling depressed, full of despair, like a failure ( except maybe when it came to figuring out breastfeeding), nor did I ever feel intense guilt. With my first son I felt unending joy.

   It was crazy how low I felt. I no longer wanted to even see the mom friends I had worked so hard to make. Their joy, their aggravation with their "children" fighting, their beautiful pregnant bodies, and all around every thing would bring me to an unending flow of tears. I felt like a time bomb and at any moment I could break down crying uncontrollably. It was an out of body experience and I no longer felt any control over my emotions. I would not wish the awful feelings of the grief and loss of a child on my worst enemies.

   My relationship with my husband was rocked. Our marriage was hit hard with the blow of our loss, and I often wondered if I would ever feel anything but empty ever again. My husband, the greatest man I could have ever been blessed to walk this insane path with, had to not only tend to our son but my broken heart as well. I can't even imagine the strength he had to bare for our family. While I was physically recovering and mentally a mess he had to carry the burden of our pain in a much quieter way.  He silently would carry on day after day at work  and some how come home to my sadness and still find a place in his heart to lift us all up.

   I didn't think I would ever want to be near another child or pregnant women again. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was leave my house and attend a playgroup gathering for my son. It was one of the first few times I had left my house, but I knew my son need normalcy again and I was determined to give him that. Most of my  mom friends were very aware of my situation, but few had no idea. My good friend was due just weeks before my due date and the sight of her healthy pregnancy cut like a sword. I  felt awful for feeling that way towards her, but it was again as if my emotions were on hyper crazy. Then  a mother sitting next to me commented about how hard it was having two children and commented about how I was lucky to only have one, she was unaware of my losses.

   My son, being all out of whack from our family's loss, was acting out durning the entire play group and I could not handle a minute longer. We left in disarray, I suddenly had what I can only describe as a  total mental breakdown. As I was driving, I uncontrollably could not stop screaming, out of the depths of my soul all the pain I was feeling came out in an insane shriek. I was beyond embarrassed and felt awful for losing it in front of my sweet innocent son.

 I felt the resources and I still feel the resources for post-partum depression after a miscarriage are very limited. I did not know where to go. I was blessed to have found other mothers who had become a support system. From online facebook groups to mothers in my area I could not imagine having to face those feelings alone. I am very thankful for social media and the internets vast amount of information and I don't know where  I would be mentally with out these resources.

  Today, I am out of the depths of despair but I know that at any moment I could be right back to those dark days. I pray for those going through the pains of loss whether it is through miscarriage, abortion, or to any mother who has ever lost a living child. I pray for those going through infertility and repetitive loses. My heart is with you all mamas around the globe that have ever had to face the darkest days of your life and wonder how you will look at yourself in the mirror again. I don't know if there will suddenly be better mental help for all the families that have had to struggle in these ways, but I do know that if we are to unite our pain and suffering through prayer that God will see our prayers and transform this suffering into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.



Sorrowful Mysteries

Join me, Christine, in saying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary for viewer intentions! Feel free to add prayer requests in the comments and to SHARE this video so we can reach more people.

Monday, July 24, 2017

To our Babies... in Heaven

Dearest Babies in Heaven,
Angel, it felt like forever, after your brother was born in 2013, that we had waited for you. You came to us  February of 2016.  Your older brother would be turning 3 in just a few short months. From the moment we had known of your existence we were madly in love with you. Everything we thought about was in regards to your life and the life we would share together as a family. We were so beyond excited to tell your older brother about your coming into our lives and sharing with our families that after almost two years ( what seemed like a lifetime) we were finally going to be able to grow in love with an addition to our ever growing family. My dreams of the house being filled with the sound of our children laughing together in our home and growing up together was finally coming into fruition. We took Easter pictures to announce our excitement, never did it cross my mind that we could lose you, and announced to our families the weekend of Easter, when I was 10 weeks along. We were so over joyed with your life that not once did it cross my mind that you could slip away from us so easily. It was not until the following weekend that I knew something was not right. It was then that we found out that our joy and your life were brought to a complete halt. The sorrow I felt for your loss was the most indescribable pain. Your father and I were dragged into the pits of despair and a new form a grieving overcame my very being. A deep depression ensued as your father tried to carry the weight of our pain by doing everything he could to lift my spirits. I cannot say the pain has or will ever fade.
Angel, four months after your passing,  as we begged God to grant us the graces of hope and faith in Him, we cautiously conceived our first rainbow baby, Jude.  
Jude, the joy again was real but the anxiety was also very real. Every morning I felt as if I was waiting for bad news and yet I was so over joyed with your presence. We rejoiced quietly and prayed for you silently. Friend’s of ours were announcing the coming of their little ones yet we kept you our secret. Hiding morning sickness was never easy and those who caught on wanted to share in your presence and announce your existence to world. Your fragile being seemed so unstoppable.  I would read and reread the statistics claim that there is only a 2% chance of a miscarriage twice in a row and hold on to the hope that you would not be apart of that 2%. On the 12th week of pregnancy, in November, it all came crashing down. Again, a loneliness and grief over took my being. I wanted to hide away from the world. I felt that I had let you down.  I would countlessly blame myself for not doing more to avoid your passing. Regrets of things I had done and things I could have done better flooded my head. The grief felt everlasting. The sweet babies being born this May 2017 are a constant reminder of your absence and my empty arms. Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind. We will always be thinking of you Jude and Angel. We promise to keep you alive in our hearts and souls. You will not be forgotten. Your moments here with us were so very special and I am so grateful we were able to share a moment together in this world. Know that we pray for you and hope that you pray for us also. 
We will alway love you, forever and for always, no matter what.
Love Always, 

Mom and Dad

Joyful Mysteries

Please Join me in saying the Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary

Morning Smiles

    The last two months have rapidly flown by. Everyday is a new adventure for baby and I.  I cannot believe how much he has developed in just two months. A few weeks ago Tripp did not have the concentration or strength to focus for long periods of time; as a result, he was not amused by the silly faces we would make at him. Now Tripp is concentrating and reacting to facial expressions.

  My newest favorite thing is "Morning Smiles"! Every morning he wakes up with the biggest smile, and for a half hour he finds everything amusing; that is until he realizes he is hungry. He laughs at our silly faces and focuses on our eyes and wants nothing more than to be